STOP- Successful Treatment of Paranoia


Looking for volunteers who experience paranoid thoughts …
This study tests a new treatment for paranoia called STOP (Successful Treatment of Paranoia).
We are looking for volunteers to join our study of a new mobile app treatment for paranoia called STOP. 
Recruiting now until June 2024

We are looking for people:
• With distressing paranoid thoughts for the last month, or longer 
• Over the age of 18 
• Able to read, write and speak English 
• With no changes in the last 3 months to any medication you might take for mental health problems and
• Not currently taking part in any other interventional research study

The study involves...
• You completing sessions in a mobile app once a week, for 12 weeks, for about 1 ½ hours each individual session.
• You will also be asked to complete four follow up assessments at 6, 12, 18 and 24 weeks after you start sessions.

Will I be compensated for my time?
We will reimburse you £20 after each follow-up assessment and an additional £20 on completion of the final assessment 24 weeks after you first started the study.

Are you interested in taking part in this study? 

Find out more by filling in this form

Planned end date

27 Feb 2025 10:29



Inclusion Criteria

Potential participants will be screened and selected to participate by researchers based on the following inclusion criteria:

1. Any clinically significant persecutory or paranoid symptoms, present for at least the preceding month. This will be operationalized as a score of 3 (“mild”) or more on item 6 of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS, Kay et al., 1987). 

2.Displaying an interpretation bias > -2 on the 8-item screening version of the Similarity Ratings Task (SRT). The screening score has a range of +3 (strong positive bias) to −3 (strong paranoid bias).

3. If on psychotropic medication, then stable on medication for at least the last 3 months and expected to be so for study duration.

4. Age 18 or over 

5. Capacity to consent.

Exclusion Criteria

Researchers will also assess eligibility according to the following exclusion criteria:

1. severe cognitive impairment

2. illiteracy or inability to understand written and spoken English for any other reason

3. major physical illness (cancer, heart disease, stroke, dementia)

4. major substance or alcohol misuse, assessed by the SCID-V screen, and 

5. currently receiving, or soon due to receive, a psychological intervention targeting the same psychological mechanisms as STOP (paranoid beliefs), or having done so in the last 3 months. 

6. Not currently taking part in any other interventional research study