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Acorn Lodge Children's Unit

How our service can help you

We offer assessment and treatment for children up to and including 12 years of age, who have a an established or suspected mental health disorder which requires a period of intensive assessment and/or treatment. Referrals will be accepted from Tier 3 CAMHS services.

Our unit works closely with parents or carers to understand their child's needs, the impact of the child’s difficulties on other people around the child, and the effect of those changes upon the family on the child.

Treatment at Acorn Lodge is based around a weekly, five-day model, allowing the child to spend evenings and weekends home. This model is very important for both the child and the family to help minimise the time away from home, and also to undertake interventions within a community setting. Following assessment, children will be offered a six to eight week programme to engage in education and access one to one therapeutic support from nursing staff and multi-disciplinary team colleagues.

The education and clinical teams will provide a package of care which best meets the child’s holistic needs and one that can be continued in the community. Our staff are from a variety of specialist backgrounds, including child psychiatry, clinical psychology, nursing, social work and occupational therapy.

Education is provided on site by specialist teaching staff at the Maudsley and Bethlem Hospital School

  • Service Borough Covers: National (Child and Adolescent services) Treatment type: Outpatient / day service
  • Contact the service

    Site Location: Bethlem Royal Hospital Known As: Tyson House East Phone Number: 020 3228 4399
  • Disabled Access:

    Yes, there is a lift for Acorn Lodge.

  • Address: Tyson East Two
    Bethlem Royal Hospital
    Monks Orchard Road,
    Greater London,
    BR3 3BX
  • Business Hours/Visiting Hours:

    Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

  • Other essential information

  • Conditions: Anxiety, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism, Conduct disorder, Depression, Eating disorders, Learning disabilities, Neuropsychiatry, Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Personality disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Psychosis


Our interventions may include:

  • Comprehensive mental state assessment
  • Medical assessment and investigations
  • Psychometric assessment
  • Risk assessment
  • Physical health review and investigations
  • Individual psychological interventions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), self-esteem work, anger management and anxiety management
  • Individual behaviour therapy
  • Milieu therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Therapeutic play
  • Psychoeducation
  • Continued education
  • Medication review
  • Ward and school observations of the child’s behaviour to assist in determining the diagnosis and treatment
  • Support groups and counselling for parents and siblings

Eligibility criteria

  • Children up to and including 12 years of age
  • Male or female
  • Children with a known or possible diagnosis of
  • Developmental disorders including autism, hyperkinetic disorders and tic disorders
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders as part of epilepsy
  • Depressive disorders
  • Eating disorders that do not require interventionist nutritional support
  • Very early-onset psychotic disorders
  • Very early-onset bipolar disorders
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Anxiety and stress-related disorders
  • Complex diagnostic conditions



  • Children with conduct disorders as their primary difficulty
  • Admissions solely for the assessment of neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Children requiring an inpatient stay; for example children whose risk to themselves or others is beyond what can be catered for in the community
  • Children where placement breakdown Is imminent or likely and may occur during the course of the assessment and treatment period
  • Children who are unwilling or unable to attend the Acorn Lodge assessment and treatment programme. This includes:
    • Situations where there was no valid consent from the child themselves, if relevant
    • There is no appropriate and adequate consent from someone with parental responsibility for assessment and treatment.
    • There is no other valid mechanism for authorising assessment and treatment



Our outcomes include:

  • Formulation and diagnosis
  • Symptom reduction and amelioration of presenting difficulty
  • Written admission and discharge summaries to referrers
  • Written multi-disciplinary reviews and other reports as required (autism assessment, psychometric assessment) to referrers
  • Improved access to education
  • Improved functioning in the relevant area of concern
  • Support for families and carers
  • Advice and support for community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) teams
  • Signposting and recommendations for community-based education providers
  • Medication management


Care Options

Outpatient / day service

Care option: Assessment and treatment

Description: Assessment of clinical presentation including observations, ongoing mental state examination, physical examination, investigations as necessary and assessment of educational needs. Treatment includes psychological, family and educational interventions and medication.



Resources for download

  • None available