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Croydon, Lambeth and Lewisham Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Service

How our service can help you

The Croydon, Lambeth and Lewisham Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Service is also known as the 3 borough service. This service launched in August 2020, and is a local, specialist outpatient service for adults registered with a GP in Croydon, Lambeth and Lewisham. Referrals can be made by GPs or NHS secondary mental health teams.

The team offers diagnostic assessment for adults who have suspected Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and/or Autism. Initiation and titration of ADHD medication and annual reviews for ADHD are also offered. Following a positive diagnosis from the service (ADHD and/or Autism), patients may be offered some brief post-diagnostic psycho-education.

For more information and to obtain a referral form, please email 3Breferral

2 July 2024 - ADHD medication supply disruptions: Advice for General Practitioners

On Friday 27th September 2023 the Department of Health and Social Care issued a National Patient Safety Alert regarding supply disruptions with many of the medication prescribed for ADHD (Equasym XL, Xaggatin XL, Concerta XL, Xenidate XL, Lisdexamfetamine, Guanfacine). This disruption has been attributed to a combination of manufacturing issues and increased global demand. Please see the 'more info' tab below for further information.

ADHD- All Resources- updated Dec 2024

ADHD- Books, Apps & Podcasts

ADHD- Charities

ADHD- Crisis & Urgent Support

ADHD- Families and supporters

ADHD- Financies and Benefits

ADHD- Identity

ADHD- Impact of receiving a diagnosis

ADHD -Introduction

ADHD- Learning Difficulties

ADHD- Learning-Intellectual Disability

ADHD- Recovery College

ADHD- Relationships and Sexuality

ADHD- Sensory Needs



ADHD-Information about ADHD


ADHD-Local ADHD Support-Peer Groups


ADHD-Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

  • Service Borough Covers: Croydon, Lambeth, Lewisham Treatment type: Outpatient
  • Contact the service

    Site Location: Services at other sites Known As: Three Borough Service Email: Phone Number: 020 3228 8469, for the psychoeducation service call: 020 3228 6433
  • Disabled Access: Locations still to be confirmed
  • Address: Administration office
    Bethlem Royal Hospital
    1st Floor
    Monks Orchard House
    Monks Orchard Road,
    BR3 3BX
  • Other essential information

  • Conditions: Croydon, Lambeth and Lewisham Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Service

Clinic address

The Norbury Health Centre
3 Borough ADHD and Autism Service
2nd Floor, 2B Pollards Hill
SW16 4NL

Clapham Family Practice
89 Clapham High Street

Waiting list information

People who are currently being offered an appointment have waited: 4 years and 8 months [last updated 25 October 2024] 

In the past five years, across the UK, there has been increased demand for autism and ADHD services. This is partly because more and more people are realising they may be autistic or have ADHD and, understandably, want to be formally assessed. This means, however, that, with more people trying to access the same number of services, people have to wait for their assessments longer. We recognise the current waiting times are unacceptable, as people should be receiving care and recognition in a timely manner. Our service is doing everything it can to reduce these waiting times. Despite this, our current waiting time is a number of years. We appreciate that this information is not precise. We are not able to give a more precise prediction, as the factors affecting the wait times are, at the moment, still changing (for example, the number of people accessing our service is still increasing). 

Because we understand that it can be difficult to wait for such an important appointment (especially without a clear idea as to when exactly it will take place) we have come together to create this guide to give you more information and suggest further resources. We welcome any feedback, including around language, content, and design. Please find the link to the feedback form at the end of the guide.


 We currently have waiting lists for our post diagnostic psychoeducation. The date you are diagnosed and recommended for post diagnostic support is the date you are referred for psychoeducation. We aim to offer a triage appointment within 6 months of diagnosis. Once triaged, if you choose to accept the psychoeducation offer, you will be added to the appropriate wait list and provided with any signposting or resources that may be discussed at the time.

Once triaged you will be informed of the outcome and added to the appropriate psychoeducation wait list for the next available slot.

We are currently contacting service users who were diagnosed in September 2021 for psychoeducation. Not everyone offered a slot will be able to attend depending on their own personal circumstances. Where this occurs, we will offer the next person on the list the slot.
If you have been diagnosed prior to September 2021 and have been waiting for psychoeducation and have not received a triage appointment, please contact the team.

We are unable to provide waiting times for treatment due to the individualised response to medication. We are only able to see a finite number of patients who must be seen regularly until their treatment is completed. Once an individual completes treatment then another patient can be offered a treatment slot. The recent and ongoing difficulties with global demand and supply of ADHD treatments has further prolonged the treatment process for some individuals.

Please be assured we are working to our maximum capacity and will contact people who are nearing the top of our waiting list to ensure that treatment slots are not wasted.

Recovery College Resource [pdf] 30KB

Further Resources [pdf] 225KB

Taking Care Mental Health Needs [pdf] 942KB

Taking Care Physical Health Needs [pdf] 251KB

Taking Care General Wellbeing [pdf] 321KB

Introduction to Neurodevelopmental Conditions [pdf] 104KB

Pathways to Diagnosis [pdf] 573KB

Introduction to the 3B Service [pdf] 170KB

NHS guide_version 3.[pdf] 3MB



More info

ADHD medication supply disruptions: Advice for General Practitioners

On Friday 27th September 2023 the Department of Health and Social Care issued a National Patient Safety Alert regarding supply disruptions with many of the medication prescribed for ADHD (Equasym XL, Xaggatin XL, Concerta XL, Xenidate XL, Lisdexamfetamine, Guanfacine). This disruption has been attributed to a combination of manufacturing issues and increased global demand. Please see the prescribing guide for information about treating patients whilst the medication shortage continues: Prescriber Guidelines (PDF)

Immediate Action Required

Effective immediately, prescribers are advised “not to initiate new patients on products affected by this shortage until the supply issues resolve”. At present, the supply disruptions are expected to resolve at various dates between October and December 2023.

Affected Medications

The following medications are currently subject to supply disruptions:


  • Equasym XL® 10, 20, and 30mg capsules
  • Xaggitin XL® 18 and 36mg prolonged-release tablets
  • Concerta XL® 54mg prolonged-release tablets
  • Xenidate XL® 27mg prolonged-release tablets


  • Elvanse® 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70mg capsules
  • Elvanse® Adult 30, 50 and 70mg capsules


  • Intuniv® 1, 2, 3 and 4mg prolonged-release tablets

Recommendations for Ongoing Prescribing

  • For cases involving ongoing prescribing, it is essential that prescribers liaise with local pharmacies to verify the availability of existing stock. Alternative medications such as methylphenidate immediate-release tablets or dexamfetamine tablets remain accessible. Thus, prescribers can make appropriate adjustments to the medication regime to align with the overall therapeutic dose.
  • Please be advised that a new shared care document is not required for this action.
  • Please do keep in mind that existing stocks may not be sufficient to meet the increased demand caused by other shortages.
  • We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this disruption may cause. To alleviate the impact, a comprehensive guide containing clinical recommendations for switching between products is attached for your reference.
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