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Drug and Alcohol Service (Lambeth)

How our service can help you

The Drugs and Alcohol Consortium (Lambeth) is a consortium led by the Trust in partnership with We are With You (formerly Addaction), Humankind and Phoenix Futures.

We provide assessment, treatment and advice for people, aged over 18, who have substance misuse (drugs and/or alcohol) related problems. We care for people who live in the London Borough of Lambeth.

We provide a Tier 2 addictions assessment and brief intervention clinic, and a Tier 3 addictions assessment and treatment service.

Tier 2 services provide drug-related information, advice, assessment, referrals, interventions (including needle exchange) and aftercare.

Tier 3 services provide specialised drug assessments, treatment, care and referrals, delivered in the community or on hospital sites. They provide people with a care plan and a key worker. They are often delivered alongside Tier 2 services, in the same premises and by the same staff.

  • Service Borough Covers: Lambeth Treatment type: Community
  • Contact the service

    Site Location: Services at other sites Known As: Lorraine Hewitt House Phone Number: 020 3228 1500
  • Disabled Access:

    Ramp to front -Lift access to all floor.

  • Address: Lorraine Hewitt House,
    12-14 Brighton Terrace,
    SW9 8DG
  • Business Hours/Visiting Hours:

    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am – 5pm

    Tuesday 9am – 7pm


  • Other essential information

  • Conditions: Addictions