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Eating Disorders Outpatient Service (Maudsley Hospital)

How our service can help you

We offer assessment, treatment and management of people with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder or mixed eating disorder symptoms (eating disorder not otherwise specified), providing a range of evidence-based care packages tailored to the needs of patients and their carers.

Our service is internationally renowned for its research and at the forefront of treatment development, having generated much of the evidence underpinning contemporary eating disorder treatments. If you would like to know more about our research, or for clinical information, please visit: Eating Disorders Research Group

Our aim is to stabilise eating and impulsive behaviour, to provide therapy and support for people and their families, to provide rehabilitation and to help people maintain their health. Our treatment programme is offered alongside the use of self-help books and workbooks.

For more information on referrals, please email

  • Treatment type: Outpatient
  • Contact the service

    Site Location: Maudsley Hospital Email: Phone Number: 020 3228 3180
  • Disabled Access:


  • Address: Middle House
    Maudsley Hospital
    Denmark Hill,
    SE5 8AZ
  • Business Hours/Visiting Hours:

    Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.  Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9am – 7.30pm

  • Other essential information

  • Conditions: Addictions, Anxiety, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism, Bipolar disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), Childhood degenerative disorders, Conduct disorder, Dementia, Depression, Dissociative disorders, Eating disorders, Learning disabilities, Neuropsychiatry, Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Perinatal disorders, Persistent physical symptoms, Personality disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Psychosexual, Psychosis, Self-harm


  • Assessment with psychiatrist or senior clinician, which includes eating disorder diagnostic interview, general psychiatric evaluation, and medical assessment
  • Formulation of treatment plan agreed with the patient and or others, for example carers and families
  • Stepped model of care for bulimia including specialist guided self-help
  • Group work for bulimia
  • Access to online materials as a means of self help
  • Cognitive analytic therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Motivational enhancement therapy
  • Maudsley model of anorexia nervosa treatment
  • Mentalisation based therapy
  • Cognitive remediation therapy
  • Specialist supportive care therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural informed schema therapy
  • Adapted treatment and care for those with comorbid autism
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Carers skills workshops to enable continuation of recovery at home
  • Specialist dietetics
  • Multidisciplinary input
  • Liaison with outside agencies
  • SEED Clinic for severe and enduring eating disorders unmanageable in primary care due to high risk

Eligibility criteria

  • 18 years and over
  • Male or female
  • Suspected diagnosis of
    • anorexia nervosa
    • bulimia nervosa
    • mixed eating disorder / eating disorder not otherwise specified / other specified feeding or eating disorder

Exclusion criteria

  • Obesity, without an eating disorder
  • Current psychosis, substance dependence, or any other major psychiatric or physical disorder requiring treatment before the eating disorder can be addressed


  • Maintain patients within the community
  • Provide a full and thorough assessment with recommendations
  • Greater psychological functioning and wellbeing
  • Improvement in eating disorder symptoms or recovery
  • Reduce weight fluctuation
  • Work with carers/families to enable support in the home
  • Stabilise severe and enduring eating disorders patients to decrease amount of admissions or reduce lengths of stay due to expertise in early warning signs of deterioration

Care Pathways

A GP, IAPT or community mental health team referral is needed including details of eating disorder symptoms, height/weight and recent blood results, using our referral form (please email  to request a copy of this). Referrals are screened and, if accepted, placed on the appropriate assessment waiting list. The referrer and patient will then be notified of the likely waiting time. We will discuss appropriate treatment options and associated waiting times during the assessment.

Our experts

Danielle Glennon, Lead for Eating Disorders Unit - Read more

Professor Ulrike Schmidt, Head of the Department of Psychological Medicine, IoPPN - Read more

Professor Janet Treasure, Psychiatrist - Read more