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Lambeth Crisis Outreach Service

How our service can help you

Lambeth Crisis Outreach Service supports people in a mental health crisis aged 18 to 65 who are not already in contact with a mental health team. We are a team of mental health professionals, including a psychiatrist, mental health nurses and social workers.

We offer mental health support at home during your crisis and expert help so you can identify the most suitable short-term support. We also offer access to diagnosis, support from local NHS and voluntary sector services as well as treatment planning and medication.

We can help you liaise with your GP so you can get the support you need.

  • Service Type: 2 Service Borough Covers: Lambeth
  • Contact the service

    Site Location: Orchard House, Lambeth Hospital Known As: COS Email: Phone Number: 0203 228 6300
  • Disabled Access: yes
  • Address: Orchard House,
    Lambeth Hospital,
    Landor Road,
    SW9 9NU
  • Other essential information

  • Conditions: Lambeth Crisis Outreach Service

Eligibility criteria

Any adults aged 18-65 living in Lambeth who are experiencing a crisis in their mental health and are not already receiving care from mental health services.

All queries about referrals should be made to the Lambeth Single Point of Access (SPA).


You will normally be referred to us by Lambeth Single Point of Access or another service.

After we receive your details, we will call you to discuss what kind of help you need and how best to meet your needs during your crisis.

We will then either signpost you to the right service, or help you access, other sources of support We might offer you a face-to-face assessment with a mental health professional. If you are offered this assessment, this will be within either 4 or 24 hours.

Assessments take place at your home, our team base in Lambeth Hospital, or somewhere else that is safe and convenient for you.

Following an assessment, we agree a crisis or safety and care plans, and share them with those you choose, such as your GP and someone close to you. We will then make sure your care is taken up my the most appropriate service in the short and medium term.