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Older Adult Continuing Specialist Care Unit

How our service can help you

The Greenvale Specialist Care Unit is a facility in Streatham and is commissioned to provide treatment for older people with predominantly complex organic mental health problems.

The service provides 24-hour care for older adults (65 and older) presenting with a complex mental health conditions in a community-based setting.

This service is specifically for service users who could not be safely treated in the community due to the high risk of harm that they pose to themselves or others because of their continued behaviours but who do not require continued admission in an acute psychiatric ward.

  • Service Borough Covers: Lambeth Treatment type: Inpatient
  • Contact the service

    Site Location: Greenvale Specialist Care Unit Phone Number: 020 3228 8010 or 020 3228 8020
  • Disabled Access:

    Yes. Limited on site parking.

  • Address: Greenvale Specialist Care Unit
    Voss Court,
    SW16 3BS
  • Business Hours/Visiting Hours:

    24 hour service

  • Other essential information

  • Conditions: Addictions, Anxiety, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism, Bipolar disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), Childhood degenerative disorders, Conduct disorder, Dementia, Depression, Dissociative disorders, Eating disorders, Learning disabilities, Neuropsychiatry, Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Perinatal disorders, Persistent physical symptoms, Personality disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Psychosexual, Psychosis, Self-harm


  • Transfer from the acute inpatient services for those service users whose conditions have stabilised but who need longer treatment and interventions in order to stabilise their condition prior to discharge home with appropriate care packages or to transfer to care homes under the current NHS Continuing Care Framework
  • Co-ordination of links with relevant community services during treatment and discharge including housing, leisure services, day services, Lambeth Council social services, community district nursing, community mental health team (CMHT), care home support services, primary care, relatives and carers groups or any other service planning required for the service user. This will require documenting that such interventions have been conducted and key partner services, relatives and carers have been notified of the acute admission and are updated regularly on likely duration and discharge dates. This will be applicable for each service user irrespective of their admission route
  • Care co-ordination, planning and review with service users, carers and key agencies this will include care coordination with older adult services in the community, care home support services, local authority social and housing services, primary care services – GP and district nursing and the Lambeth Continuing Care Panel. Ensuring that high quality personalised care plans, assessments and discharge reports are produced that cover the service users mental, physical and social care needs. Ensuring lead coordination of panels to plan discharge for service users in advance is conducted in partnership with the following key agencies, Lambeth Council social services, CCG, primary care, community mental health team and Lambeth Council housing (if housing applicable)
  • Designated named worker, who will co-ordinate care to an individual service user during their time in hospital and coordinate discharge with all the appropriate key community agencies
  • Evidence based interventions for psychiatric disorders and behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia delivered in line with the clinical academic group care pathways. This may include a psychiatric assessment, including medication review
  • Nursing care, ranging from intensive observation or engagement in most acute phases of illness through to minimal observation and support as independence is encouraged and discharge facilitated
  • Clinical psychology and occupational therapy assessments and interventions where applicable

Eligibility criteria

  • Severe mental disorder (or functional conditions and dementia) with high degree of clinical complexity who pose a high risk to themselves or others if placed in a community setting. This will apply whether the service user is being assessed, diagnoses or treated for a serious and complex mental health illness
  • This will include service users who have been assessed as meeting compulsory admission under sections 2, 3, 4, 5(2) and 5(4) of the amended Mental Health Act 2007 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and service users with mental capacity to consent to mental health assessment and treatment in a specialist care unit


  • Preventing people from dying prematurely
  • Enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions
  • Helping people to recover from episodes of ill-health or following injury
  • Ensuring people have a positive experience of care
  • Treating and caring for people in safe environment and protecting them from avoidable harm

Care Options


Care option: Assessment for specialist continuing care stay

Unit: Per assessment

Description: Following receipt of completed assessment documentation confirming that the person is eligible for fully-funded care, assessment is undertaken by the unit manager and a senior nurse, within 24 hours of referral, Monday to Friday. Assessment includes an interview with the person, discussions with the referrer, and a review of their history. We offer advice on medication, as well as how the person can be best managed by their referring team.  

Care option: Treatment, nursing 

Unit: Occupied bed days

Description: Individually tailored care packages that include multidisciplinary observation, review of medication, physical healthcare monitoring and review.

Care option: Treatment, one-to-one

Unit: Occupied bed days

Description: Enhanced nursing observations undertaken by one nurse, 24-hours a day, for people whose behaviour requires increased care. This is not a long-term option and is only used when the person has clear plans for harming themselves or for periods of aggressive and violent behaviour. 

Care option: Transfer from home unit  

Unit: Per transfer

Description: Transport can be arranged by our service if necessary. This option is charged based on actual costs incurred, inclusive of escort and transport costs. 

Care option: Transport and escorts for hospital appointments

Unit: Per appointment 

Description: We provide suitable transport and suitably qualified escorts for people who need to attend hospital appointments. This option is charged based on actual costs incurred, inclusive of escort and transport costs.   

Care option: Specialist investigations 

Unit: Cost per investigation 

Description: On occasions where patients require specialist investigations, costs are charged as incurred. Specialist investigations may include metabolic screening, CT and MRI scans, cognitive state assessment, and physical health assessment including blood investigations and ECG.