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South London Community Forensic CAMHS

How our service can help you

FCAMHS is a Specialist Forensic Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service for young people and their families working with professionals in South London. We provide advice, consultation, assessment and some limited short-term interventions. The service can also provide training for local professionals.

We are a multi-disciplinary service including Consultant Adolescent Forensic Psychiatrists and Psychologists.

W e accept r eferrals from:

  • CAMHS Tier 3 and Tier 2 services
  • Local Authorities (Children's Social Care)
  • Youth Offending Teams
  • CAMHS Inpatient Facilities
  • Youth Justice services
  • Education

If the referrer is not from a local CAMHS team and the referral is accepted for further input after an initial discussion, we usually discuss the referral with the young person's local CAMHS team. This will facilitate a clear joint approach to the referral from relevant mental health providers and, wherever possible, joint assessment and working would be undertaken.

Other information
As part of the NHS England evaluation we will be collecting written feedback. We also welcome verbal feedback from professionals and young people.

  • Service Borough Covers: Croydon, Lewisham, Southwark, Lambeth Treatment type: Outpatient
  • Contact the service

    Site Location: Services at other sites Known As: Community FCAMHS Email: Phone Number: 020 3228 8863
  • Disabled Access:
    • Wheelchair accessible building
    • Ground floor therapy rooms
    • Accessible toilets on all levels
    • Lift access to the 1stfloor
  • Address: South London Forensic CAMHS,
    Michael Rutter Centre,
    Maudsley Hospital,
    De Crespigny Park,
    Denmark Hill,
    SE5 8AZ
  • Other essential information

  • Conditions: Addictions, Anxiety, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism, Bipolar disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), Childhood degenerative disorders, Conduct disorder, Dementia, Depression, Dissociative disorders, Eating disorders, Learning disabilities, Neuropsychiatry, Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Perinatal disorders, Persistent physical symptoms, Personality disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Psychosexual, Psychosis, Self-harm


Our interventions may include:

  • Assessments involving structured diagnostic interviews, psychometry, risk assessment, risk formulation and treatment recommendations
  • Support and partnership work with community child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and other agencies, to help manage risk and complex behavioural difficulties
  • Medico-legal assessments and reports for criminal or care proceedings
  • Offence related interventions for anger management, violence reduction, sexual offending and dangerous fire setting behaviour
  • Trauma-related interventions
  • Consultation and care planning for forensic cases in outlying secure facilities

Eligibility criteria

  • Children and young people up to 18 years old
  • Male or female
  • Young people who are vulnerable or present high risk behaviours including children involved in care or criminal proceedings


Our outcomes include:

  • Completion of structured risk assessment
  • Identification of protective factors (mitigating risk)
  • Provision of risk management strategy
  • Involvement of the young person and their family in the care plan
  • Improvement in the young person’s children’s global assessment scale score in cases where intervention is provided

Care Options

Care option: Standard assessment

Unit: Per assessment

Forensic diagnostic assessment includes risk formulation and intervention, and a care plan involving a consultant forensic psychiatrist. 

Care option: Complex assessment

Unit: Per assessment

Complex and high risk case structured forensic assessment involves a consultant psychiatrist and clinical psychology psychometric evaluation, where indicated. We offer a forensic diagnostic assessment, risk formulation and intervention. This may include additional consultation with the referring team and a risk or intervention review. 

Care option: Treatment

Unit: Per session

Offence specific forensic therapy, including family work and CBT. R and R2 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) treatment groups.


This is a national specialist Tier 4 service commissioned by NHS England. Background information can be found on the NHS England website.

Our experts

Dr Duncan Harding, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist

Anna Meechan, Registered Mental Health Nurse

Dr Mariana Reis, Forensic Psychologist

Dr Rebecca Packer, Principal Clinical Psychologist