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Our Board

Our Trust Board is committed to ensuring the best possible experience for people who use our services, their carers, and our staff. The Board sets our Trust’s overall strategic direction, and closely monitors our performance against objectives.

Members of the Board bring a wide range of skills and experience to benefit our organisation. Read about the Trust Board members here:

Photo of Bandi Mbubi

Bandi Mbubi

Job title Non-Executive Director
Bandi Mbubi has worked for the past 25 years at the intersection of human rights and social justice, leading and managing organisations tackling mental health problems, homelessness, poverty and inequalities, gross human rights abuses and corruption.  
Through his advocacy work, he has been a leading voice in mobilising policy makers and public opinion to demand greater corporate accountability as a tool to improve human rights in the global economy. He has held various advisory and board roles and in 2016 the BBC’s Outlook Programme named him as one of its Top 50 Inspirations. He is Director of the Manna Society, Trustee of Hilden Charitable Fund, and Member of Harvard Kennedy School’s Implementing Public Policy Community of Practice.  
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