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Our Board

Our Trust Board is committed to ensuring the best possible experience for people who use our services, their carers, and our staff. The Board sets our Trust’s overall strategic direction, and closely monitors our performance against objectives.

Members of the Board bring a wide range of skills and experience to benefit our organisation. Read about the Trust Board members here:

Photo of Vava Tampa

Vava Tampa

Job title Non-Executive Director

Vava Tampa is a social worker and chairs the British Association of Social Workers (England), representing over 20,000 social workers in England. Vava began his career as a community organiser, leading and managing organisations tackling human and women rights questions, then moved into modern slavery and human trafficking.

He previously managed Hestia’s safe houses in London. He is passionate about challenging stigma around mental health, tackling health and societal inequalities and providing the best care for the people who use mental health services. He is a Guardian contributor and manages a community mental health hub at the Central and North West London (CNWL) NHS Foundation Trust.

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