Reflecting on South Asian Heritage Month 2024: "Free to Be Me" | Our blog

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The Maudsley Blog

Reflecting on South Asian Heritage Month 2024: "Free to Be Me"

As South Asian Heritage Month (SAHM) 2024 comes to a close , we take a moment to celebrate and reflect on the remarkable journey we’ve shared over the past month. Guided by this year’s theme, "Free to Be Me," we have come together to honour the rich and varied experiences of individuals from South Asian backgrounds. This theme has provided a platform to highlight the unique stories within our Trust, celebrate the diversity of our cultures, and recognise the significant contributions of South Asian communities.  

Sharing Personal Stories  

One of the most impactful aspects of this year’s SAHM has been the sharing of personal narratives. These stories, told by our colleagues within the Trust, highlight the diverse experiences within our South Asian community. From life changing moments to valuable lessons learned through personal challenges, these narratives offer profound insights into what it means to be South Asian within our Trust , as highlighted by the stories of:  

Events and Activities  

Our month-long celebration featured a range of events and activities designed to bring people together and showcase South Asian culture in various forms:  

  • Yoga Classes: We hosted both in person and virtual yoga sessions, providing a space for mindfulness, physical wellbeing, and personal reflection.   

  • Kathak Dance Classes: Virtual dance workshops in Kathak allowed participants to explore into this traditional South Asian dance form. Through these workshops, attendees experienced the rhythm and grace of Kathak while learning about its historical and cultural significance.  

  • Workshops: A range of creative workshops were organi s ed , including traditional block printing and art psychotherapy sessions. These workshops were designed to engage participants in hands on activities that celebrate South Asian artistry while promoting mental and emotional wellbeing.  

  • Closing Ceremonies: Our Closing Ceremonies were a grand celebration of South Asian culture. The event featured live performances that showcased traditional and contemporary art forms, a vibrant fashion show displaying traditional attire, henna stalls where participants could get beautiful designs, and photo booths  

Looking Ahead  

This month has not only highlighted the richness of South Asian culture but also highlighted the importance of creating spaces within the Trust where everyone feels free to express their true selves. The reflections and experiences shared during South Asian Heritage Month reinforce our commitment to embedding anti-racism into every aspect of our organisation , as outlined in our Anti-Racism Action Plan . By aligning these insights with our core values and behaviours , we aim to drive change and foster an inclusive environment where all individuals are respected and valued.   

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