Croydon Child Wellbeing Practitioners Team (CWP)

The Croydon CAMHS Child Wellbeing Practitioner Team provides a mental health service to young people who may not meet the threshold for Croydon Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).

The team provides short-term, low intensity, evidence-based, guided self-help interventions for children, young people and their parents or carers for treatment of mild to moderate anxiety, low mood, or mild behavioural difficulties.

Young people and their parents or carers will be offered up to eight sessions of guided self-help which will involve of a mixture of face to face and phone, or Skype appointments. Sometimes we may ask parents or carers to attend on their own depending on the age of the young person.

In additional to individual sessions the team also run workshops to promote the emotional wellbeing of children and young people, for example, 'Exam Stress' or 'Sleep'.


All referrals must be made by a professional associated with the child's care via the Croydon Single Point of Contact (SPOC) webpage.

Referrals can be made by a GP, paediatrician, school teacher, or social worker. Our team is unable to accept referrals from parents, carers, or self-referrals by the child or young person.