Looking back on 2023

2023 has been a busy year where we have faced some difficult challenges, but also celebrated wonderful achievements and reached significant milestones. Here are just some of our highlights:
Maudsley 100
In January we celebrated the centenary of Maudsley Hospital opening to the public in 1923. A lot has changed over those 100 years, but Henry Maudsley’s vision of a hospital in an urban centre where mental healthcare, teaching and research comes together endures.
Celebrating our staff
In February we held our annual staff awards where we recognised the outstanding achievements of individuals and teams who go above and beyond to provide excellent care.
Working in partnership
In March the London Care Record went live allowing information about our patients to be accessed quickly at point of care, anywhere in London. And in April we jointed the King’s International Consortium to build on our reputation for providing mental healthcare internationally.
Anti-Racism Action
In May we took an important step towards achieving our vision to lead anti-racism in mental health by 2026 with the launch of our Anti-Racism Action Plan. The plan sets out the steps we are taking to be a transparent, responsive, decent and equitable organisation that is a leader in fighting racism. Read our latest update
Guts Cafe
In June the Guts Cafe opened in Bethlem Royal Hospital to promote the link between positive mental health and physical health.
NHS 75
In July we celebrated another milestone, 75 years of the NHS along with our Chief Executive, David Bradley, receiving the Living Wage Champion Award in recognition of his work not just at the Trust, but across London.
Research success
Part of our strategy is to embed research at the heart of the care we provide and in September we topped the charts for the second year in a row for recruiting the highest numbers of participants to take part in research.
Celebrating diversity
In October we marked Black History Month by recognising the invaluable contributions Black people have made to our organisation throughout our history. We also marked many other cultural moments throughout the year including LGBT+ History Month, South Asian Heritage Month, Remembrance Sunday and Diwali.
Veterans aware
Finally, in November we were proud to be awarded accreditation as a Veteran Aware Trust in recognition of our commitment to caring for serving members of the armed forces, veterans and their families.
Thank you to all our staff and partners whose hard work and dedication has made all this, and much more, possible this year.