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Forensic Service

How our service can help you

We provide low secure and medium secure forensic services. The purpose of our service is to ensure that mentally disordered offenders are assessed and treated effectively, in the least restrictive environment. We aim to manage the risk, reduce further offending and support recovery throughout the person’s stay.

Our services

  • Treatment type: Outpatient, Inpatient
  • Contact the service

    Site Location: Multiple sites Email:
  • Other essential information

  • Conditions: Personality Disorders


We provide assessment, treatment and care. Our treatment programme includes group-work and one to one therapy sessions. We help people to reduce their aggressive and antisocial behaviour and to improve their relationships. 

We admit people for three to four month assessments before treatment, which typically lasts between one and two years. 

Our service is designed to support people on a pathway to recovery through a series of carefully managed stages. Each of the ward areas are associated with a specific stage, so that those people who have responded well to treatment and are close to being discharged will be cared for in a different area than those who are acutely unwell, and at the beginning of their journey. 

Where our admissions and intensive care ward offers enhanced physical and procedural security, our pre-discharge unit offers a high level of independence with a lower level of security, increased access to community programmes, and community outreach services fostering the development of living skills, before moving to independent settings in the community. We also offer time limited inpatient stays and community assessments.

Eligibility criteria

  • Male offenders, aged 18 to 65, who have personality disorders and who may be a risk to themselves and others
  • A national pilot programme and is available for people from Prison, high secure or medium secure services whose original borough of residence is within the M25


We help people to reduce their aggressive and antisocial behaviour and to improve their relationships.