The Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Model has been co-designed with service users, carers and staff and are being introduced across our Trust, they are in place to assist the work lives of colleages, and ensure that people who access services receive equal and consistent amount of care, irrespective of the treatment team of their borough or service.  

Transferring someone between wards or services needs to be planned, organised and transparent as sometimes important information can get lost in translation – using Care Process Models helps to make sure things don’t get missed. Driven by research and testing by these models are helping people who access our services navigate the system by being transparent about our Trust's processes. 

Captured in eye-catching, simple one-pagers, our models outline standards of best practice, that should be provided at each stage of someone’s time under the care of a team. 

The CPMs draw on improvements staff have already made, as well as existing operational policies, mental health standards and guidelines.   

As well as Psychiatric Intensive Care Process Model, there are inpatient and community (short and long-term support) CPMs available, with models for crisis, forensics, Psychological Medicine and Older Adults and Children and Young People (CAMHS) currently in development. 

Find out more about the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit Model.[pdf]

“This is really obvious, but we're all different and what works for one person isn't necessarily going to work for another. It's really important to get to know and understand someone in order to provide good care.  

“Care Process Models guide conversations and bring the focus back to the service user and their needs. Sometimes the service user and their family's or carer's voice gets lost, and they might have spent a lifetime not being listened to and having decisions made for them. "

- Service User - Talking about the importance of using Care Process Models