Inpatient Care Process Model

We know that there is variation in the quality of care and outcomes for people who use South London and Mausdley NHS services, including hospital length of stay and waiting times in the community. We want to make sure that the people who access our services experience the same standards of care no matter which borough they live in or which service they are under.

Our Care Process Models outline standards of best practice that should be provided at each stage of someone’s time under the care of a team, it draws on existing operational policies, standards and guidelines.

The Inpatient Care Process Model was developed with service users, carers and staff and tested extensively in Lewisham. The model was developed so that a patient’s experience and recovery journey is structured, purposeful, collaborative, safe and compassionate taking in to account complex needs and harm minimisation. It helps people who access our services navigate the system by being transparent about our processes.

Download Inpatient Care Process Model here

The first page is a summary of each phase of the model, it outlines what people can expect during their time in hospital.

The following two pages show the six phases of an admission, the goals for each phase of care and the standards of best practice, these are tasks that should be completed by the ward team and community team.

Within each phase of care are a set of questions that have been coproduced with service users, carers and staff. Patients should be asked these questions during their admission.


The Inpatient Care Process Model will be implemented on all our adult acute wards with support from Directorate leadership teams and Quality Improvement Advisors.

  • Each ward will be sent hard copies of the leaflet which has been designed by a service user graphic designer.
  • A QI Advisor will meet with the ward leadership team to plan how the model will be implemented on their ward.
  • The QI Advisor will meet with the MDT to present the model and answer any questions the team may have.
  • Every patient should be given a copy of the Care Process Model on admission to the ward. A member of staff should go through the document with them and answer any questions they may have.
  • A bi-weekly patient feedback session will be setup on the ward with support from the Quality Centre Service User and Carer Coordinator
  • Once the model has been implemented the ward team will be able to highlight any areas of concern or where the standards of best practice aren't being met, the team will be supported by a QI Advisor to make improvements.
  • Data will be collected to measure if the model has been implemented and whether it has resulted in an improvement, This data may include PEDIC responses, length of stay, patient involvement in care planning and staff awareness. This will be presented back to the Directorate and Ward.