Groups for children with autism

The CUES programme has been adapted for children with diagnoses of autism and related disorders and is implemented as a small group CBT psychoeducation and early intervention within the clinical setting.  The group can be offered following diagnosis as part of routine clinical care.

Improving services and outcomes for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a clinical priority (NHS long term plan, 2019) and NICE Guidelines (2013) recommend psychosocial intervention and adapted CBT - providing emotion recognition training and interventions for e.g. sleep problems. The CUES programme aims to provide early intervention covering basic skills across these broad areas (emotional recognition and literacy, simple cognitive and behavioural strategies as well as tips for general physical well-being: eating, sleeping, relaxing and being active). 

The programme is delivered across 10 weekly sessions – either remotely or in person - with strong visuals, home tasks, workbook and an interactive website to reinforce learning.  Parent/carer workshops are incorporated to share the language and techniques used, with a particular focus on how to help children apply these in everyday situations and overcoming barriers specific to their children. 

For some children this early intervention may be all the intervention that is required.  For others it would help prepare them for future therapeutic work. 

To find out more please email:

Feedback from parents and carers:

When I tried to implement the strategies it was easy because we were informed about everything in the parent group. The topics were brilliant and things I had wanted to cover for a long time.

It was very well considered content, pitched at the right level and facilitated brilliantly. It’s very hard to engage a group of children online and make it fun and educational. It’s a big task. The team did a great job.

I think it gives him the confidence to know he has strategies to deal with any issues.

It’s been a really positive experience for her – they have been expertly supported and that has been wonderful to see as a parent. I think it’s a perfect model for ASD children.