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Estia Blog Posts

World Autism Week – have we moved from Awareness to Acceptance?

World Autism Acceptance Week took place from 27 March to 2 April and SLaM, alongside autistic people and supporters all around the world, arranged a number of events to mark this week. Only two years ago, we were marking Autism Awareness Week. What led to the move from Awareness to Acceptance – and are we moving to a position of more acceptance of autistic people using SLaM services?

Read World Autism Week – have we moved from Awareness to Acceptance?…

Moving from asking me, to asking my child – a bit of a journey

The suggestion that it wouldn’t always be me talking about my child to professionals was raised a few years ago, during a conversation with Health. “We couldn’t be discussing this with you if he was 16,” they said. At the time I was confused, disgruntled – he wasn’t yet 16, why make the point? I just wanted to find out the next steps to appeal a referral they’d turned down.

Read Moving from asking me, to asking my child – a bit of a journey…

Celebrating World Downs Syndrome Day 2023

An event organised by researchers from King’s College London and the Maudsley

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is celebrated on 21 March and is a global awareness day officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.  The 21st date of the third month was selected to represent WDSD to signify the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome that occurs in people with Down syndrome.

Read Celebrating World Downs Syndrome Day 2023…

Transitioning adult services for young people with learning disability

Transition to adulthood marks a large change in anybody’s life. Think about your own experience of transition, at the age of 18 suddenly facing an adult world. For some, this may be an exciting prospect. For others, this can be an incredibly difficult and stressful time in their lives.

Read Transitioning adult services for young people with learning disability…
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