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Adding value to leaders

Have you ever experienced difficult situations at work and left feeling that this you have little left to offer?

In the context of the workplace the term resilience is often associated with the capacity to thrive, rather than just survive in high stress environments but over the past two years, I have experienced resilience as a way to survive and not thrive.

Read Adding value to leaders…

New Year, New Resilience

What was your New Year’s resolution this year? 

How many of us made yet another annual commitment to improve our life in some way – to do more of something or do less of something else? To make a change, take a leap of faith, learn a new skill or unlearn an old habit? To re-connect, rebalance, or rejuvenate ourselves?   I wonder how many times we have made similar promises but somehow found ourselves at a minute to midnight rehashing some old year’s promise.

Read New Year, New Resilience…
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