Rosie Cammack

Expert by Experience Involvement Worker
Rosie is the Expert by Experience Involvement Worker at the Estia Centre, in this role she supports people with lived experience of a learning disability and autism to co-produce and co-deliver the Estia Centre training modules. Rosie also provides practical and emotional support for Experts by Experience to engage with other initiatives and projects which would benefit from their involvement.
Prior to joining the Estia team Rosie worked on a range of social justice projects, including developing and delivering an accessible learning programme at Kew Gardens and facilitating studio time for artists with learning disabilities and autistic artists at Action Space. Rosie also recently completed a MSc in Global Health, Social Justice & Public Policy, focusing her research on the importance of involving people with lived experience in healthcare initiatives.
Rosie is passionate about co-production methods and is a strong advocate for the 'Nothing About Us Without Us' approach, which means no policy should be decided without full and direct participation of members of the group affected by that policy. She believes a lived experience perspective is essential to produce positive change and enjoys seeing this in action at the Estia Centre.